Pollination/Bud Set Products
Fusion 360’s pollination and bud set materials help to increase pollination rates and improve budding rates, increasing overall crop yields.
This unique formulation is designed to maximize the opportunity for effective pollination and fertilization in most plant species. SureSet-Apex is proven to increase activity of pollinating insects, as well as enhance the health and receptivity of the flower.
To present a clearer understanding of the benefits of Sureset-Apex, Fusion 360 recently conducted a trial at a cherry orchard. In the trial, one field was treated with Sureset-Apex, while the other was left untreated.
At the end of the season, the untreated field produced 2,647 pounds of cherries per acre. The treated field produced 6,269 pounds of cherries, a production increase of 137%.
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Product Testimonial
“We were first introduced to SureSet in 2005. We were amazed–when used as a nutrient spreader with the pollen, our crop MORE THAN DOUBLED!
Our pollen is mixed on-site with Fusion 360’s SureSet-Apex. Upon application nutrients improve tube growth. We observe bees increasing their activity around the hives and in the trees, even as we are pollinating. Many orchardists that struggle with hard to set fruit insist that SureSet-Apex has made an amazing difference in the amount of fruit they harvest. We will continue to depend on SureSet-Apex when serving our pollen clients.”
-Harry and Vicki Malloy
Harry’s Pollen Service